
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 25
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 25 of 25
19 minutes and 50 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
Paper 194 Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth
2. The Significance of Pentecost
194:2.2 The first mission of this spirit is, of course, to foster and personalize truth, for it is the comprehension of truth that constitutes the highest form of human liberty. Next, it is the purpose of this spirit to destroy the believer’s feeling of orphanhood. Jesus having been among men, all believers would experience a sense of loneliness had not the Spirit of Truth come to dwell in men’s hearts.
3. What Happened at Pentecost
194:3.5 On the day of Pentecost the religion of Jesus broke all national restrictions and racial fetters. It is forever true, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” On this day the Spirit of Truth became the personal gift from the Master to every mortal. This spirit was bestowed for the purpose of qualifying believers more effectively to preach the gospel of the kingdom, but they mistook the experience of receiving the outpoured spirit for a part of the new gospel which they were unconsciously formulating.
194:3.9 The manifestations associated with the bestowal of the “new teacher,” and the reception of the apostles’ preaching by the men of various races and nations gathered together at Jerusalem, indicate the universality of the religion of Jesus. The gospel of the kingdom was to be identified with no particular race, culture, or language. This day of Pentecost witnessed the great effort of the spirit to liberate the religion of Jesus from its inherited Jewish fetters. Even after this demonstration of pouring out the spirit upon all flesh, the apostles at first endeavored to impose the requirements of Judaism upon their converts. Even Paul had trouble with his Jerusalem brethren because he refused to subject the gentiles to these Jewish practices. No revealed religion can spread to all the world when it makes the serious mistake of becoming permeated with some national culture or associated with established racial, social, or economic practices.
194:3.14 Before the teachings of Jesus which culminated in Pentecost, women had little or no spiritual standing in the tenets of the older religions. After Pentecost, in the brotherhood of the kingdom woman stood before God on an equality with man. Among the one hundred and twenty who received this special visitation of the spirit were many of the women disciples, and they shared these blessings equally with the men believers. No longer can man presume to monopolize the ministry of religious service. The Pharisee might go on thanking God that he was “not born a woman, a leper, or a gentile,” but among the followers of Jesus woman has been forever set free from all religious discriminations based on sex. Pentecost obliterated all religious discrimination founded on racial distinction, cultural differences, social caste, or sex prejudice. No wonder these believers in the new religion would cry out, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
194:3.20 Prayer did not bring the spirit on the day of Pentecost, but it did have much to do with determining the capacity of receptivity which characterized the individual believers. Prayer does not move the divine heart to liberality of bestowal, but it does so often dig out larger and deeper channels wherein the divine bestowals may flow to the hearts and souls of those who thus remember to maintain unbroken communion with their Maker through sincere prayer and true worship.
Paper 195 After Pentecost
1. Influence of the Greeks
195:1.1 The Hellenization of Christianity started in earnest on that eventful day when the Apostle Paul stood before the council of the Areopagus in Athens and told the Athenians about “the Unknown God.” There, under the shadow of the Acropolis, this Roman citizen proclaimed to these Greeks his version of the new religion which had taken origin in the Jewish land of Galilee. And there was something strangely alike in Greek philosophy and many of the teachings of Jesus. They had a common goal—both aimed at the emergence of the individual. The Greek, at social and political emergence; Jesus, at moral and spiritual emergence. The Greek taught intellectual liberalism leading to political freedom; Jesus taught spiritual liberalism leading to religious liberty. These two ideas put together constituted a new and mighty charter for human freedom; they presaged man’s social, political, and spiritual liberty.
public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
8. Secular Totalitarianism
195:8.12 Secular social and political optimism is an illusion. Without God, neither freedom and liberty, nor property and wealth will lead to peace.
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 24
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 24
22 minutes and 37 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
Paper 188 The Time of the Tomb
5. Lessons from the Cross
188:5.3 Jesus, by the power of his personal love for men, could break the hold of sin and evil. He thereby set men free to choose better ways of living. Jesus portrayed a deliverance from the past which in itself promised a triumph for the future. Forgiveness thus provided salvation. The beauty of divine love, once fully admitted to the human heart, forever destroys the charm of sin and the power of evil.
Paper 190 Morontia [higher soul form] Appearances of Jesus
3. At the Home of Joseph
190:3.1 The fifth morontia [higher soul form] manifestation of Jesus to the recognition of mortal eyes occurred in the presence of some twenty-five women believers assembled at the home of Joseph of Arimathea, at about fifteen minutes past four o’clock on this same Sunday afternoon. Mary Magdalene had returned to Joseph’s house just a few minutes before this appearance. James, Jesus’ brother, had requested that nothing be said to the apostles concerning the Master’s appearance at Bethany. He had not asked Mary to refrain from reporting the occurrence to her sister believers. Accordingly, after Mary had pledged all the women to secrecy, she proceeded to relate what had so recently happened while she was with Jesus’ family at Bethany. And she was in the very midst of this thrilling recital when a sudden and solemn hush fell over them; they beheld in their very midst the fully visible form of the risen Jesus. He greeted them, saying: “Peace be upon you. In the fellowship of the kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, rich nor poor, free nor bond, man nor woman. You also are called to publish the good news of the liberty of mankind through the gospel of sonship with God in the kingdom of heaven. Go to all the world proclaiming this gospel and confirming believers in the faith thereof. And while you do this, forget not to minister to the sick and strengthen those who are fainthearted and fear-ridden. And I will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth.” And when he had thus spoken, he vanished from their sight, while the women fell on their faces and worshiped in silence.
5. The Walk with Two Brothers
[Resurrected Jesus teaches His Profound Gospel to two brothers on the Road to Emmaus]
190:5.4 As they walked along, Jesus said to them: “How slow you are to comprehend the truth! When you tell me that it is about the teachings and work of this man that you have your discussions, then may I enlighten you since I am more than familiar with these teachings. Do you not remember that this Jesus always taught that his kingdom was not of this world, and that all men, being the sons of God, should find liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father’s love? Do you not recall how this Son of Man proclaimed the salvation of God for all men, ministering to the sick and afflicted and setting free those who were bound by fear and enslaved by evil? Do you not know that this man of Nazareth told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, be delivered up to his enemies, who would put him to death, and that he would arise on the third day? Have you not been told all this? And have you never read in the Scriptures concerning this day of salvation for Jew and gentile, where it says that in him shall all the families of the earth be blessed; that he will hear the cry of the needy and save the souls of the poor who seek him; that all nations shall call him blessed? That such a Deliverer shall be as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. That he will feed the flock like a true shepherd, gathering the lambs in his arms and tenderly carrying them in his bosom. That he will open the eyes of the spiritually blind and bring the prisoners of despair out into full liberty and light; that all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation. That he will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives of sin, and open up the prison to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. That he will comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. That he shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. That this Son of truth and righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power; even that he will save his people from their sins; that he will really seek and save those who are lost. That he will not destroy the weak but minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness. That those who believe in him shall have eternal life. That he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. Did you not understand how great was the gospel of the kingdom which this man delivered to you? Do you not perceive how great a salvation has come upon you?”
Paper 191 Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders
4. The Tenth [Resurrected] Appearance (At Philadelphia)
191:4.4 [Jesus:] “Go, then, into all the world proclaiming this gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men to all nations and races and ever be wise in your choice of methods for presenting the good news to the different races and tribes of mankind. Freely you have received this gospel of the kingdom, and you will freely give the good news to all nations. Fear not the resistance of evil, for I am with you always, even to the end of the ages. And my peace I leave with you.”
Paper 193 Final Appearances and Ascension
0. Introduction
193:0.5 [Jesus:] “Among yourselves, here, you share the knowledge that I have risen from the dead, but that is not strange. I have the power to lay down my life and to take it up again; the Father gives such power to his Paradise Sons. You should the rather be stirred in your hearts by the knowledge that the dead of an age entered upon the eternal ascent soon after I left Joseph’s new tomb. I lived my life in the flesh to show how you can, through loving service, become God-revealing to your fellow men even as, by loving you and serving you, I have become God-revealing to you. I have lived among you as the Son of Man that you, and all other men, might know that you are all indeed the sons of God. Therefore, go you now into all the world preaching this gospel of the kingdom of heaven to all men. Love all men as I have loved you; serve your fellow mortals as I have served you. Freely you have received, freely give. Only tarry here in Jerusalem while I go to the Father, and until I send you the Spirit of Truth. He shall lead you into the enlarged truth, and I will go with you into all the world. I am with you always, and my peace I leave with you.”
1. The Appearance at Sychar
193:1.2 [Jesus:] “Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that I am the resurrection and the life, but this will avail you nothing unless you are first born of the eternal spirit, thereby coming to possess, by faith, the gift of eternal life. If you are the faith sons of my Father, you shall never die; you shall not perish. The gospel of the kingdom has taught you that all men are the sons of God. And this good news concerning the love of the heavenly Father for his children on earth must be carried to all the world. The time has come when you worship God neither on Gerizim nor at Jerusalem, but where you are, as you are, in spirit and in truth. It is your faith that saves your souls. Salvation is the gift of God to all who believe they are his sons. But be not deceived; while salvation is the free gift of God and is bestowed upon all who accept it by faith, there follows the experience of bearing the fruits of this spirit life as it is lived in the flesh. The acceptance of the doctrine of the fatherhood of God implies that you also freely accept the associated truth of the brotherhood of man. And if man is your brother, he is even more than your neighbor, whom the Father requires you to love as yourself. Your brother, being of your own family, you will not only love with a family affection, but you will also serve as you would serve yourself. And you will thus love and serve your brother because you, being my brethren, have been thus loved and served by me. Go, then, into all the world telling this good news to all creatures of every race, tribe, and nation. My spirit shall go before you, and I will be with you always.”
2. The Phoenician Appearance
193:2.2 [Jesus:] “Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that the Son of Man has risen from the dead because you thereby know that you and your brethren shall also survive mortal death. But such survival is dependent on your having been previously born of the spirit of truth-seeking and God-finding. The bread of life and the water thereof are given only to those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness—for God. The fact that the dead rise is not the gospel of the kingdom. These great truths and these universe facts are all related to this gospel in that they are a part of the result of believing the good news and are embraced in the subsequent experience of those who, by faith, become, in deed and in truth, the everlasting sons of the eternal God. My Father sent me into the world to proclaim this salvation of sonship to all men. And so send I you abroad to preach this salvation of sonship. Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them; they are useless branches on the living vine, and they soon will be taken away. My Father requires of the children of faith that they bear much spirit fruit. If, therefore, you are not fruitful, he will dig about your roots and cut away your unfruitful branches. Increasingly, must you yield the fruits of the spirit as you progress heavenward in the kingdom of God. You may enter the kingdom as a child, but the Father requires that you grow up, by grace, to the full stature of spiritual adulthood. And when you go abroad to tell all nations the good news of this gospel, I will go before you, and my Spirit of Truth shall abide in your hearts. My peace I leave with you.”
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 23
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 23
25 minutes and 24 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 179. The Last Supper
5. Establishing the Remembrance Supper
179:5.1 As they brought Jesus the third cup of wine, the “cup of blessing,” he arose from the couch and, taking the cup in his hands, blessed it, saying: “Take this cup, all of you, and drink of it. This shall be the cup of my remembrance. This is the cup of the blessing of a new dispensation of grace and truth. This shall be to you the emblem of the bestowal and ministry of the divine Spirit of Truth. And I will not again drink this cup with you until I drink in new form with you in the Father’s eternal kingdom.”
179:5.3 When they had finished drinking this new cup of remembrance, the Master took up the bread and, after giving thanks, broke it in pieces and, directing them to pass it around, said: “Take this bread of remembrance and eat it. I have told you that I am the bread of life. And this bread of life is the united life of the Father and the Son in one gift. The word of the Father, as revealed in the Son, is indeed the bread of life.” When they had partaken of the bread of remembrance, the symbol of the living word of truth incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh, they all sat down.
179:5.4 In instituting this remembrance supper, the Master, as was always his habit, resorted to parables and symbols. He employed symbols because he wanted to teach certain great spiritual truths in such a manner as to make it difficult for his successors to attach precise interpretations and definite meanings to his words. In this way he sought to prevent successive generations from crystallizing his teaching and binding down his spiritual meanings by the dead chains of tradition and dogma. In the establishment of the only ceremony or sacrament associated with his whole life mission, Jesus took great pains to suggest his meanings rather than to commit himself to precise definitions. He did not wish to destroy the individual's concept of divine communion by establishing a precise form; neither did he desire to limit the believer's spiritual imagination by formally cramping it. He rather sought to set man's reborn soul free upon the joyous wings of a new and living spiritual liberty.
179:5.6 This supper of remembrance, when it is partaken of by those who are Son-believing and God-knowing, does not need to have associated with its symbolism any of man’s puerile misinterpretations regarding the meaning of the divine presence, for upon all such occasions the Master is really present. The remembrance supper is the believer’s symbolic rendezvous with Michael. When you become thus spirit-conscious, the Son is actually present, and his spirit fraternizes with the indwelling fragment of his Father.
PAPER 180. The Farewell Discourse
4. The Promised Helper
180:4.1 Jesus continued to teach, saying: "When I have gone to the Father, and after he has fully accepted the work I have done for you on earth, and after I have received the final sovereignty of my own domain, I shall say to my Father: Having left my children alone on earth, it is in accordance with my promise to send them another teacher. And when the Father shall approve, I will pour out the Spirit of Truth upon all flesh. Already is my Father's spirit in your hearts, and when this day shall come, you will also have me with you even as you now have the Father. This new gift is the spirit of living truth. The unbelievers will not at first listen to the teachings of this spirit, but the sons of light will all receive him gladly and with a whole heart. And you shall know this spirit when he comes even as you have known me, and you will receive this gift in your hearts, and he will abide with you. You thus perceive that I am not going to leave you without help and guidance. I will not leave you desolate. Today I can be with you only in person. In the times to come I will be with you and all other men who desire my presence, wherever you may be, and with each of you at the same time. Do you not discern that it is better for me to go away; that I leave you in the flesh so that I may the better and the more fully be with you in the spirit?"
5. The Spirit of Truth
180:5.1 The new helper which Jesus promised to send into the hearts of believers, to pour out upon all flesh, is the Spirit of Truth. This divine endowment is not the letter or law of truth, neither is it to function as the form or expression of truth. The new teacher is the conviction of truth, the consciousness and assurance of true meanings on real spirit levels. And this new teacher is the spirit of living and growing truth, expanding, unfolding, and adaptative truth.
PAPER 181. Final Admonitions and Warnings
1. Last Words of Comfort
181:1.4 [Jesus:] "The Father sent me into this world, but only a few of you have chosen fully to receive me. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, but all men will not choose to receive this new Teacher as the guide and counselor of the soul. But as many as do receive him shall be enlightened, cleansed, and comforted. And this Spirit of Truth will become in them a well of living water springing up into eternal life."
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 22
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 22
30 minutes and 27 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet
3. Later Discussion at the Camp
176:3.10 Said Jesus that night as they [the twelve apostles] went to their rest: “Freely have you received; therefore freely should you give of the truth of heaven, and in the giving will this truth multiply and show forth the increasing light of saving grace, even as you minister it.” [I add: That is Jesus' command to freely share with all humans his living Truth Gospel of the loving and merciful Fatherhood of God and the ever-perfecting spiritual brotherhood of all humans worldwide ! That is why Jesus commands us: "Love all humans, even your (real or alleged) enemies !" They too are divinely beloved children of God !]
PAPER 177. Wednesday, the Rest Day
2. Early Home Life
177:2.3 [Jesus:] “Love, John, is the supreme reality of the universe when bestowed by all-wise beings, but it is a dangerous and oftentimes semiselfish trait as it is manifested in the experience of mortal parents. When you get married and have children of your own to rear, make sure that your love is admonished by wisdom and guided by intelligence.
177:2.4 “Your young friend Amos believes this gospel of the kingdom just as much as you, but I cannot fully depend upon him; I am not certain about what he will do in the years to come. His early home life was not such as would produce a wholly dependable person. Amos is too much like one of the apostles who failed to enjoy a normal, loving, and wise home training. Your whole afterlife will be more happy and dependable because you spent your first eight years in a normal and well-regulated home. You possess a strong and well-knit character because you grew up in a home where love prevailed and wisdom reigned. Such a childhood training produces a type of loyalty which assures me that you will go through with the course you have begun.”
PAPER 178. Last Day at the Camp
1. Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship
178:1.1 Jesus talked to about fifty of his trusted followers for almost two hours and answered a score of questions regarding the relation of the kingdom of heaven to the kingdoms of this world, concerning the relation of sonship with God to citizenship in earthly governments. This discourse, together with his answers to questions, may be summarized and restated in modern language as follows:
178:1.4 Sonship in the kingdom, from the standpoint of advancing civilization, should assist you in becoming the ideal citizens of the kingdoms of this world since brotherhood and service are the cornerstones of the gospel of the kingdom. The love call of the spiritual kingdom should prove to be the effective destroyer of the hate urge of the unbelieving and war-minded citizens of the earthly kingdoms. But these material-minded sons in darkness will never know of your spiritual light of truth unless you draw very near them with that unselfish social service which is the natural outgrowth of the bearing of the fruits of the spirit in the life experience of each individual believer.
[I now add Jesus' definition of the fruits of the Spirit: 193:2.2 "...Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. ..."
178:1.9 So long as the rulers of earthly governments seek to exercise the authority of religious dictators, you who believe this gospel can expect only trouble, persecution, and even death. But the very light which you bear to the world, and even the very manner in which you will suffer and die for this gospel of the kingdom, will, in themselves, eventually enlighten the whole world and result in the gradual divorcement of politics and religion. The persistent preaching of this gospel of the kingdom will some day bring to all nations a new and unbelievable liberation, intellectual freedom, and religious liberty.
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 21
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 21
34 minutes and 11 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 170. The Kingdom of Heaven
Section 2. Jesus' Concept of the Kingdom
170.2.1 The Master made it clear that the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the fatherhood of God and the correlated fact of the brotherhood of man. The acceptance of such a teaching, Jesus declared, would liberate man from the age-long bondage of animal fear and at the same time enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:
170.2.2 #1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom was to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.
170:2.12 Jesus desired to substitute for the idea of the kingdom, king, and subjects, the concept of the heavenly family, the heavenly Father, and the liberated sons of God engaged in joyful and voluntary service for their fellow men and in the sublime and intelligent worship of God the Father.
170:2.24 ... Jesus sought to substitute many terms for the kingdom but always without success. Among others, he used: the family of God, the Father’s will, the friends of God, the fellowship of believers, the brotherhood of man, the Father’s fold, the children of God, the fellowship of the faithful, the Father’s service, and the liberated sons of God.
PAPER 174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple
5. The Inquiring Greeks
174:5.12 Then Jesus continued to speak: [to Greek Gentiles and some believing Jews:] "All this has not happened for my sake but for yours. I know of a certainty that the Father will receive me and accept my mission in your behalf, but it is needful that you be encouraged and be made ready for the fiery trial which is just ahead. Let me assure you that victory shall eventually crown our united efforts to enlighten the world and liberate mankind. The old order is bringing itself to judgment; the [former, rebel] Prince of this world I have cast down; [read again the very important John 12:31-32] and all men shall become free by the light of the spirit which I will pour out upon all flesh after I have ascended to my Father in heaven. [peruse again John chapters 16 and 17]
74:5.13 “And now I declare to you that I, if I be lifted up on earth and in your lives, will draw all men [all humans] to myself and into the fellowship of my Father. You have believed that the Deliverer would abide on earth forever, but I declare that the Son of Man will be rejected by men, and that he will go back to the Father. Only a little while will I be with you; only a little time will the living light be among this darkened generation. Walk while you have this light so that the oncoming darkness and confusion may not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness knows not where he goes; but if you will choose to walk in the light, you shall all indeed become liberated sons of God. And now, all of you, come with me while we go back to the temple and I speak farewell words to the chief priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, and the benighted [dark] rulers of Israel.”
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part20
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 20
34 minutes and 38 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 169. Last Teaching at Pella
Section 1. Parable of the Lost Son
[This is Jesus' favorite and most profoundly moving Parable of the true loving and merciful nature of our Father God ! All is presented here.]
169:1 [Paragraphs 1 thru 16] .1 On Thursday afternoon Jesus talked to the multitude about the “Grace of Salvation.” In the course of this sermon he retold the story of the lost sheep and the lost coin and then added his favorite parable of the prodigal son. Said Jesus:
169:1.16 Many, many times during his years of teaching, Jesus told and retold this story of the prodigal son. This parable and the story of the good Samaritan were his favorite means of teaching the love of the Father and the neighborliness of man.
4. The Father and His Kingdom
[This section on very significant Theology is very important to prayerfully reflect and study several times carefully. I will add just a few comments of explanation; but not too much, as this is best spiritually grasped in your ongoing personal God-consciousness.]
169:4.2 Jesus never gave his apostles a systematic lesson concerning the personality and attributes of the Father in heaven. He never asked men to believe in his Father; he took it for granted they did. Jesus never belittled himself by offering arguments in proof of the reality of the Father. His teaching regarding the Father all centered in the declaration that he and the Father are one; [Yes !] that he who has seen the Son has seen the Father; [Yes !] that the Father, like the Son, knows all things; [Jesus as our Sovereign Creator Son is also all-knowing !] that only the Son really knows the Father, and he to whom the Son will reveal him; [Tremendous and Sacred ...] that he who knows the Son knows also the Father; and that the Father sent him into the world to reveal their combined natures and to show forth their conjoint work. He never made other pronouncements about his Father except to the woman of Samaria at Jacob's well, when he declared, "God is spirit." [We are privileged to worship God in Spirit and in Father-Son-son Union-Communion Truth !]
169:4.3 You learn about God from Jesus by observing the divinity of his life, not by depending on his teachings. From the life of the Master you may each assimilate that concept of God which represents the measure of your capacity to perceive realities spiritual and divine, truths real and eternal. The finite [each of us] can never hope to comprehend the Infinite [Universal, Eternal Paradise FATHER GOD I AM] except as the Infinite was focalized in the time-space personality of the finite experience of the human life of Jesus of Nazareth. [Deep !]
169:4.4 Jesus well knew that God can be known only [!] by the realities of experience; never can he be understood by the mere teaching of the mind. Jesus taught his apostles that, while they never could fully understand God, they could most certainly know him, even as they had known the Son of Man. You can know God, not by understanding what Jesus said, but by knowing what Jesus was. Jesus was [and IS here in Eternal Spirit with us] a revelation of God. [Behold our God in Spirit Glory ... for the time is at hand !]
169:4.12 But mark you! never did Jesus say, "Whoso has heard me has heard God." But he did say, "He who has seen me has seen the Father." To hear Jesus' teaching is not equivalent to knowing God, but to see Jesus is an experience which in itself is a revelation of the Father to the soul. The God of universes rules the far-flung creation, but it is the Father in heaven who sends forth his spirit to dwell within your minds. [Deep ! He the Spirit of Truth here with us is the One Combined Spirit of both God the Father on Paradise and God our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael !!! See JESUS: See GOD the FATHER; They are One !]
169:4.13 Jesus is the spiritual lens in human likeness which makes visible to the material creature Him who is invisible. He is your elder brother who, in the flesh, makes known to you a Being of infinite attributes whom not even the celestial hosts can presume fully to understand. But all of this must consist in the personal experience of the individual believer. God who is spirit can be known only as a spiritual experience. God can be revealed to the finite sons of the material worlds, by the divine Son of the spiritual realms, only as a Father. You can know the Eternal as a Father; you can worship him as the God of universes, the infinite Creator of all existences. [Yes, come and experience in Spirit our loving and merciful Father-Son here upon all humans and within all Truth-lovers ! Amen !]
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 19
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 19
34 minutes and 24 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 166. Last Visit to Northern Perea
Section 3. The Sermon at Gerasa
166:3.1 As Jesus and the twelve visited with the messengers of the kingdom at Gerasa, one of the Pharisees who believed in him asked this question: “Lord, will there be few or many really saved?” And Jesus, answering, said:
166:3.2 “You have been taught that only the children of Abraham will be saved; that only the gentiles of adoption can hope for salvation. Some of you have reasoned that, since the Scriptures record that only Caleb and Joshua from among all the hosts that went out of Egypt lived to enter the promised land, only a comparatively few of those who seek the kingdom of heaven shall find entrance thereto."
166:3.3 “You also have another saying among you, and one that contains much truth: That the way which leads to eternal life is straight and narrow, that the door which leads thereto is likewise narrow so that, of those who seek salvation, few can find entrance through this door. You also have a teaching that the way which leads to destruction is broad, that the entrance thereto is wide, and that there are many who choose to go this way. And this proverb is not without its meaning. But I declare that salvation is first a matter of your personal choosing. Even if the door to the way of life is narrow, it is wide enough to admit all who sincerely seek to enter, for I am that door. And the Son will never refuse entrance to any child of the universe who, by faith, seeks to find the Father through the Son."
166:3.8 Even the apostles were unable fully to comprehend his teaching as to the necessity for using spiritual force for the purpose of breaking through all material resistance and for surmounting every earthly obstacle which might chance to stand in the way of grasping the all-important spiritual values of the new life in the spirit as the liberated sons of God.
PAPER 167. The Visit to Philadelphia
5. On the Way to Bethany
167:5.1 On the way to Judea Jesus was followed by a company of almost fifty of his friends and enemies. At their noon lunchtime, on Wednesday, [late February, A.D. 30] he talked to his apostles and this group of followers on the “Terms of Salvation,” and at the end of this lesson told the parable of the Pharisee and the publican (a tax collector). Said Jesus: “You see, then, that the Father gives salvation to the children of men, and this salvation is a free gift to all who have the faith to receive sonship in the divine family. There is nothing man can do to earn this salvation. Works of self-righteousness cannot buy the favor of God, and much praying in public will not atone for lack of living faith in the heart. Men you may deceive by your outward service, but God looks into your souls. What I am telling you is well illustrated by two men who went into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself: ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unlearned, unjust, adulterers, or even like this publican. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift his eyes to heaven but smote his breast, saying, ‘God be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you that the publican went home with God’s approval rather than the Pharisee, for every one who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”
PAPER 168. The Resurrection of Lazarus
2. The Resurrection of Lazarus
168:2.6 As Lazarus came out of the tomb, the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, now chief of his kind in this local universe, gave command to the former Adjuster of Lazarus, now in waiting, to resume abode in the mind and soul of the resurrected man. [All somewhat moral, normal humans have a Thought Adjuster -- the pure Spirit Essence of God -- God's will -- indwelling their mind and co-creating with the God-seeking human will the higher duplicate soul reality who then can be resurrected up into the next higher soul reality Heaven. You as soul is the better, more moral you ! Your lower animal-nature mind does not survive physical death. Good riddance ! Ha ha]
168:2.7 Then went Lazarus over to Jesus and, with his sisters, knelt at the Master’s feet to give thanks and offer praise to God. Jesus, taking Lazarus by the hand, lifted him up, saying: “My son, what has happened to you will also be experienced by all who believe this gospel except that they shall be resurrected in a more glorious form. You shall be a living witness of the truth which I spoke—I am the resurrection and the life. But let us all now go into the house and partake of nourishment for these physical bodies.”
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 18
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 18
27 minutes and 23 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 155. Fleeing Through Northern Galilee
Section 3. At Caesarea-Philippi
155:3.8 [Paragraph 8] Jesus repeatedly taught his apostles that no civilization could long survive the loss of the best in its religion. And he never grew weary of pointing out to the twelve the great danger of accepting religious symbols and ceremonies in the place of religious experience. [I add: Personal God-consciousness at all times and in all places is our divine and eternal goal ! Reading on:] His whole earth life was consistently devoted to the mission of thawing out the frozen forms of religion into the liquid liberties of enlightened sonship.
6. The Second Discourse on Religion
155:6.5 [Jesus on True Religion, in part:] "While the religion of authority may impart a present feeling of settled security, you pay for such a transient satisfaction the price of the loss of your spiritual freedom and religious liberty. My Father does not require of you as the price of entering the kingdom of heaven that you should force yourself to subscribe to a belief in things which are spiritually repugnant, unholy, and untruthful. It is not required of you that your own sense of mercy, justice, and truth should be outraged by submission to an outworn system of religious forms and ceremonies. The religion of the Spirit leaves you forever free to follow the truth wherever the leadings of the spirit may take you. And who can judge -- perhaps this Spirit may have something to impart to this generation which other generations have refused to hear?"
155:6.9 [Jesus:] "The religions of authority can only divide men and set them in conscientious array against each other; the religion of the spirit will progressively draw men together and cause them to become understandingly sympathetic with one another. The religions of authority require of men uniformity in belief, but this is impossible of realization in the present state of the world. The religion of the spirit requires only unity of experience -- uniformity of destiny -- making full allowance for diversity of belief. The religion of the spirit requires only uniformity of insight, not uniformity of viewpoint and outlook. The religion of the spirit does not demand uniformity of intellectual views, only unity of spirit feeling. The religions of authority crystallize into lifeless creeds; the religion of the spirit grows into the increasing joy and liberty of ennobling deeds of loving service and merciful ministration."
PAPER 162. At the Feast of Tabernacles
7. The Discourse on Spiritual Freedom
162:7.2 [Jesus:] "If my words abide in you and you are minded to do the will of my Father, then are you truly my disciples. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I know how you will answer me: We are the children of Abraham, and we are in bondage to none; how then shall we be made free? Even so, I do not speak of outward subjection to another's rule; I refer to the liberties of the soul. Verily, verily, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin. And you know that the bondservant is not likely to abide forever in the master's house. You also know that the son does remain in his father's house. If, therefore, the Son shall make you free, shall make you sons, you shall be free indeed." [We are now freewill perfecting sons of God in Jesus fully here with us in Spirit !]
PAPER 163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan
2. The Rich Young Man and Others
163:2.8 Thus always it was and forever will be: Men must arrive at their own decisions. There is a certain range of the freedom of choice which mortals may exercise. The forces of the spiritual world will not coerce man; they allow him to go the way of his own choosing. [in true spiritual liberty !]
PAPER 165. The Perean Mission Begins
3. Sabbath Sermon at Pella
165:3.8 [Jesus:] “How long will you tarry in the valley of decision? Why do you halt between two opinions? Why should Jew or Gentile hesitate to accept the good news that he is a son of the eternal God? How long will it take us to persuade you to enter joyfully into your spiritual inheritance? I came into this world to reveal the Father to you and to lead you to the Father. The first I have done, but the last I may not do without your consent; the Father never compels any man to enter the kingdom. The invitation ever has been and always will be: Whosoever will, let him come and freely partake of the water of life.”
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
”True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 17
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 17
37 minutes and 46 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 149. The Second Preaching Tour
Section 2. Attitude of the People
149:2.8 The most astonishing and the most revolutionary feature of [Jesus Christ] Michael's mission on earth was his attitude toward women. In a day and generation when a man was not supposed to salute even his own wife in a public place, Jesus dared to take women along as teachers of the gospel in connection with his third tour of Galilee. And he had the consummate courage to do this in the face of the rabbinic teaching which declared that it was "better that the words of the law should be burned than delivered to women." [Terribly unspiritual rabbinic teachings back then ! But, following our Good Master Jesus here in Spirit, liberates all women and all men !]
149:2.10 As Jesus mingled with the people, they found him entirely free from the superstitions of that day. He was free from religious prejudices; he was never intolerant. He had nothing in his heart resembling social antagonism. While he complied with the good in the religion of his fathers, he did not hesitate to disregard man-made traditions of superstition and bondage. He dared to teach that catastrophes of nature, accidents of time, and other calamitous happenings are not visitations of divine judgments or mysterious dispensations of Providence. He denounced slavish devotion to meaningless ceremonials and exposed the fallacy of materialistic worship. He boldly proclaimed man's spiritual freedom and dared to teach that mortals of the flesh are indeed and in truth sons of the living God. [I explain: All humans, all men and all women, are spiritually classified as sons of God. The many types of angels and super-angels are spiritually classified as daughters of God.]
6. The "Fear of the Lord"
149:6.7 [Jesus:] “You have been taught that you should ‘fear God and keep his commandments, for that is the whole duty of man.’ But I have come to give you a new and higher commandment. I would teach you to ‘love God and learn to do his will, for that is the highest privilege of the liberated sons of God.’ Your fathers were taught to ‘fear God — the Almighty King.’ I teach you, ‘Love God — the all-merciful Father.’"
PAPER 150. The Third Preaching Tour
1. The Women'S Evangelistic Corps
150:1.3 It was most astounding in that day, when women were not even allowed on the main floor of the synagogue (being confined to the women’s gallery), to behold them being recognized as authorized teachers of the new gospel of the kingdom. The charge which Jesus gave these ten women as he set them apart for gospel teaching and ministry was the emancipation proclamation which set free all women and for all time; no more was man to look upon woman as his spiritual inferior. This was a decided shock to even the twelve apostles. Notwithstanding they had many times heard the Master say that “in the kingdom of heaven there is neither rich nor poor, free nor bond, male nor female, all are equally the sons and daughters of God,” they were literally stunned when he proposed formally to commission these ten women as religious teachers and even to permit their traveling about with them. The whole country was stirred up by this proceeding, the enemies of Jesus making great capital out of this move, but everywhere the women believers in the good news stood stanchly behind their chosen sisters and voiced no uncertain approval of this tardy acknowledgment of woman’s place in religious work. And this liberation of women, giving them due recognition, was practiced by the apostles immediately after the Master’s departure, albeit they fell back to the olden customs in subsequent generations. Throughout the early days of the Christian church women teachers and ministers were called deaconesses and were accorded general recognition. But Paul, despite the fact that he conceded all this in theory, never really incorporated it into his own attitude and personally found it difficult to carry out in practice.
5. What Must I Do to Be Saved?
150:5.5 In summing up his final statement, Jesus said: "You cannot buy salvation; you cannot earn righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life of sonship in the kingdom. You are not to be saved because you live a righteous life; rather is it that you live a righteous life because you have already been saved, have recognized sonship as the gift of God and service in the kingdom as the supreme delight of life on earth. When men believe this gospel, which is a revelation of the goodness of God, they will be led to voluntary repentance of all known sin. Realization of sonship is incompatible with the desire to sin. Kingdom believers hunger for righteousness and thirst for divine perfection."
PAPER 153. The Crisis at Capernaum
2. The Epochal Sermon
153:2.4 [a part of Jesus' Epochal Sermon at the Jewish temple at Capernaum, A.D. 29:] "What is it you seek as evidence of my mission on earth? We have left you undisturbed in your positions of influence and power while we preached glad tidings to the poor and the outcast. We have made no hostile attack upon that which you hold in reverence but have rather proclaimed new liberty for man's fear-ridden soul. I came into the world to reveal my Father and to establish on earth the spiritual Brotherhood of the sons of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. And notwithstanding that I have so many times reminded you that my Kingdom is not of this world, still has my Father granted you many manifestations of material wonders in addition to more evidential spiritual transformations and regenerations."
[I will now share resurrected Jesus' profound statement defining the Fruits of God's Spirit:]
Paper 193: Final Appearances and Ascension
Section 2. The Phoenician Appearance.
193:2.2 "...the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace."
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
“True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels”, Part 16 “
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
"True (and false) Liberty and Freedom on All Levels", Part 16
33 minutes and 45 seconds long
Host Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
Samples in this podcast:
The Urantia Book, public domain [my added comments are in these brackets] Truth-seekers and Truth-finders should find interesting facts, higher meanings, and spiritual values in our shows.
PAPER 145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum
3. The Healing at Sundown
145:3.10 Jesus had passed the responsibility of this healing decision to the ruling of his Father. Evidently the Father’s will interposed no objection, for the words of the Master had scarcely been uttered when the assembly of celestial personalities serving under the command of Jesus’ Personalized Thought Adjuster was mightily astir. The vast retinue descended into the midst of this motley throng of afflicted mortals, and in a moment of time 683 men, women, and children were made whole, were perfectly healed of all their physical diseases and other material disorders. Such a scene was never witnessed on earth before that day, nor since. And for those of us who were present to behold this creative wave of healing, it was indeed a thrilling spectacle.
145:3.11 But of all the beings who were astonished at this sudden and unexpected outbreak of supernatural healing, Jesus was the most surprised. In a moment when his human interests and sympathies were focused upon the scene of suffering and affliction there spread out before him, he neglected to bear in his human mind the admonitory warnings of his Personalized Adjuster [God's will indwelling Jesus and now all normal moral humans here on earth] regarding the impossibility of limiting the time element of the creator prerogatives of a Creator Son under certain conditions and in certain circumstances. Jesus desired to see these suffering mortals made whole if his Father’s will would not thereby be violated. The Personalized Adjuster of Jesus instantly ruled that such an act of creative energy at that time would not transgress the will of the Paradise Father, and by such a decision — in view of Jesus’ preceding expression of healing desire — the creative act was. What a Creator Son desires and his Father wills IS. Not in all of Jesus’ subsequent earth life did another such en masse physical healing of mortals take place.
5. Early Sunday Morning
145:5.7 [Jesus:] "All this time I have been in Capernaum, and both in the synagogue and by the seaside have I proclaimed the good news of the kingdom to all who had ears to hear and hearts to receive the truth. It is not the will of my Father that I should return with you to cater to these curious ones and to become occupied with the ministry of things physical to the exclusion of the spiritual. I have ordained you to preach the gospel and minister to the sick, but I must not become engrossed in healing to the exclusion of my teaching. No, Andrew, I will not return with you. Go and tell the people to believe in that which we have taught them and to rejoice in the liberty of the sons of God, and make ready for our departure for the other cities of Galilee, where the way has already been prepared for the preaching of the good tidings of the kingdom. It was for this purpose that I came forth from the Father. Go, then, and prepare for our immediate departure while I here await your return."
PAPER 146. First Preaching Tour of Galilee
0. Introduction
146:0.2 This was the first time Jesus permitted his associates to preach without restraint. On this tour he cautioned them on only three occasions; he admonished them to remain away from Nazareth and to be discreet when passing through Capernaum and Tiberias. It was a source of great satisfaction to the apostles at last to feel they were at liberty to preach and teach without restriction, and they threw themselves into the work of preaching the gospel, ministering to the sick, and baptizing believers, with great earnestness and joy. [Jesus freely allowed his apostles and other believers, and us now, to teach and preach with their own personal interpretations ! True spiritual and intellectual liberty given by Jesus and God the Universal Father as One here with us in Spirit !]
3. The Stop at Ramah
146:3.6 [Jesus:] "While you cannot observe the divine spirit at work in your minds, there is a practical method of discovering the degree to which you have yielded the control of your soul powers to the teaching and guidance of this indwelling spirit of the heavenly Father, and that is the degree of your love for your fellow men. This spirit of the Father partakes of the love of the Father, and as it dominates man, it unfailingly leads in the directions of divine worship and loving regard for one's fellows. At first you believe that you are sons of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father's indwelling presence; but presently the Spirit of Truth shall be poured out upon all flesh, and it will live among men and teach all men, even as I now live among you and speak to you the words of truth. And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your souls, will help you to know that you [and all humans !] are the sons of God. It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father's indwelling presence, your spirit, then dwelling in all men [!!] as it now dwells in some, telling you that you are in reality the sons of God. [Freewill sons of God ! All humans, men and women equally, are spiritually classified as sons of God; the many types of angels are the daughters of God.]
7. At Endor
146:7.1 At Endor Jesus escaped for a few days from the clamoring multitudes in quest of physical healing. During their sojourn at this place the Master recounted for the instruction of the apostles the story of King Saul and the witch of Endor. Jesus plainly told his apostles that the stray and rebellious midwayers [midway between higher seraphim guardian angels and lower humans] who had oftentimes impersonated the supposed spirits of the dead would soon [May 18, A.D. 30 - on] be brought under control so that they could no more do these strange things. He told his followers that, after he returned to the Father, and after they [both, as One !!] had poured out their spirit [The Spirit of Truth] upon all flesh, no more could such semispirit beings -- so-called unclean spirits -- possess the feeble- and evil-minded among mortals. [Thanks to Jesus, all spirits here on Urantia (Earth) are good ! No more evil spirits. But we humans here with God-given freewill can always choose to be Godly or to be evil sinners. Choose God's Light within and accept eternal life !]
PAPER 148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida
1. A New School of the Prophets
148:1.2 Each of the apostolic teachers taught his own view of the gospel of the kingdom. They made no effort to teach just alike; there was no standardized or dogmatic formulation of theologic doctrines. Though they all taught the same truth, each apostle presented his own personal interpretation of the Master’s teaching. And Jesus upheld this presentation of the diversity of personal experience in the things of the kingdom, unfailingly harmonizing and co-ordinating these many and divergent views of the gospel at his weekly question hours. Notwithstanding this great degree of personal liberty in matters of teaching, Simon Peter tended to dominate the theology of the school of evangelists. Next to Peter, James Zebedee exerted the greatest personal influence.
Please visit my large website https://www.PureChristians.org/ or (same website) www.LedByJesus.org
There, scroll about 30% down that page and you may read, download and share my ALWAYS FREE 100 page .pdf of spiritual highlights in my books on the nature, life and teachings of our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ ! Profound Theology and spirituality to share !
Love, peace and sure progress in Spirit and in Truth !